Before we were Famous.
The podcast was born out of a love for the people, the food, the art, the culture, and everything else that makes the Crescent City the greatest city on earth. Since the show’s inception in February, 2019, we’ve interviewed New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell, Mardi Gras Historian, Arthur Hardy and Commander’s Palace Chef Tory McPhail to name a few. The show has guests booked well into 2020 which is no surprise because New Orleans has the best people, the best culture and we know how to have the best of times! Stay Tuned……… Lot’s more to come in the BIG EASY!
Meet Tatum.
Tatum Gardner is a children’s book author, host of NOLA Famous podcast, certified etiquette consultant, woman business owner, wife and mom of three. She is born and raised in New Orleans and loves all of the culture and diversity this amazing city has to offer. What better way to showcase NOLA’s talent than to create and host a podcast. With a new daily guest co-host, she interviews people who are famous, should be famous and gives the viewer a taste of all that New Orleans has to offer.
Meet Terrance.
Terrance Osborne was the first guest of NOLA Famous! And now the rest is history. When he’s not too busy with his day job of running his Royal Street gallery, and painting commissioned art for his famous clients such as Football Hall of Famer Ed Reed, he sits in the cohosting chair and helps bring culture and personality to the show! He is married to Stephanie Osborne, meditation specialist, and is a father of three.